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GoPro Cameras


DPS Kayak Fishing Blog

Gettin good with GoPro

by Chris Erby of Delaware Paddlesports

There are many types of video cameras out there to choose from but one camera that stands out above the rest is the GoPro camera. Reason? They are waterproof as long as you keep them inside there protective casing, they capture a very wide angle in which helps you to get the good shots in high definition and the accessories to place this camera in many locations on you and your kayak. With a downloadable editing software and the capabilities of using Bluetooth this camera is hard to beat. Many out there want the capabilities of filming their fishing expeditions and Delaware Paddlesports is here to help.

The best way to get some great shots is having two cameras on board. You can use the clipping method and switch back and forth from different angles to make your film more engaging but you can get some really cool footage by having one camera as well. Here are some great little techniques you can use to help you. With these techniques and a little practice you will be on your way.

  • One camera at a time- Learning the basics from one camera is the way to go. When you understand the basics you can then migrate to adding another camera to get another angle for your film. Starting out the best method is either the hat mount or the chest mount GoPro adapter. The head mount will give great video captions but be aware every time you go to record your catch don't look around at other things. Remember your recording. Keep your camera focused on your hook set and the fish jumping out of the water. It makes great video but looking around during your recording doesn't give time for your viewer to become engaged on what's really happening your state record fish! GoPro also has the chest mount, which keeps the focus forward during you recording with a lot less movement. Your capabilities on recording both of these ways are huge. Out of both the head mount adapter is going to give you a much broader recording angle but be aware of your movements.
  • Storyboarding- Storyboarding absolutely will have them intrigued about your video. The reason is because so many want to do the same thing and capture their own moments on the water. Another reason is many use the video as an educational tool about where to go, what to use in the way of lures and the spots that produce fish. Storyborading happens when you start out videoing the very beginning of your journey. Be creative and think about what you want to do. When I first started out in filming I new in order to learn I had to practice to make it engaging so, I dedicated many hours to just going out filming fishing tournaments and interviewing. It was all free stuff but the knowledge gained was enormous. Once I got the hang of storyboarding I was up and rolling the film. I would sit down with a notebook and draw boxes with stick people lol. Funny stuff but it worked. I wanted to make sure I got the beginning to the end and to do that was to break it down. The boxes represented film blocks and the stick figures would give me an idea as to whom I wanted in the clip for my story. For instance the first box would be scenery and then the next box would be two stick figures. Setting the scene was to pan from a boat dock or a boat ramp to the people I was interviewing. In the box with stick figures I would place a comment below the box with specific questions I wanted to ask like good morning "John Doe" what do you think is going to work for you this morning? There is some important info for you right in that sentence to show you what storyboarding is about. I have set the scene for you and in your mind you have already placed yourself in the beginning by "good morning" and by "what do you think is going to work for you?" You have to create a beginning, a middle and an end.
  • What did he say?- Audio is just as important. With GoPro and the camera being in a waterproof case audio quality is just not there. If you plan to interview someone about there catch or what they are using take the camera out of it's housing. This will give you better audio and make sure the location you’re recording at is quiet. Even wind can give you issues.
  • Time is key- I know I know you want to get all of the vid you can and publish to the world! You spend hours getting your film just right and bam you get like 20 views for all of your hard work. Trust me I have been there. Your friends that know you will be there for you especially the ones that are in your very film but you really would like to get your video out there. We live in a fast paced world and that's the reason McDonalds now says billions sold.... Keep it short and sweet. I know you want to get everyone in the vid but it's hard to condense and will make your edit time and upload time from a three-hour edit to a 10 hour real quick. Use this method. Get three fish. Capture the hook set, the splash, and you with your fish. Three of those are all you need. Condense, condense, and condense. You will want your film to be from 2min - 5 min max because in our fast paced world folks will be more engaged in a short film. When looking for a host I recommend as well as many others YouTube. YouTube will give you a place to keep your treasured moments that people can come to see your work. Another big recommend is Facebook. Facebook has really made a huge impact with your video work playing automatically on your timeline. People will be able to see a visual sneak peak into your work and you just may get a click on it or even get a viral share of your state record fish. You never know.
  • Software- GoPro comes with a downloadable software to do general edits. It's good stuff when starting out. GoPro software will allow you to upload your video and then you can condense the good video shots, which can save you a lot of time and space on your computer. You will probably migrate to other editing software down the road that will give more capabilities.

  • The above will help you along the way. Start out small, don't get frustrated and be patient. Putting together a film and editing is an art. Once you learn the basics you will be well on your way. At Delaware Paddlesports we carry GoPro and it's line of accessories. Feel free to stop by and check out the latest products or stop by our website at