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Fishing Blog - Kayak Cart

ATC (All Terrain Cart) by Seattle Sports

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ATC (All Terrain Cart) by Seattle Sports

While in the process of buying my new Jackson Coosa HD, I just knew that I was not going to go without having a kayak cart any longer. I began combing through the Delaware Paddlesports webpage in search of the perfect cart for my needs. After a quick search, I found the perfect match: the ATC (All Terrain Cart) by Seattle Sports.

Many of my frequent fishing trips involve pulling the kayak down a pathway approximately 3/4 of a mile. Now that I push the kayak on the cart, I am able to fish the river and then float back down stream. The cart is very sturdy and is supposed to have a carrying capacity of up to 300 lbs, which I can easily believe. The wheels are 16” bike tires. They are great for going across many different types of terrain, although I would imagine they would dig into sand too much and may impose a challenge. The cart can also be adjusted to fit narrow or wide kayaks, canoes, or even small john boats. The overall height places the kayak at a more comfortable and natural position, which is a more manageable height when pushing or pulling the kayak to and from your destination.

The cart is pretty easy to attach to the kayak, especially when you utilize the kickstand to help keep the cart in place. Personally, I prefer to place the cart directly under the seat’s position in the kayak. I find that this is a good balance point once all my gear is loaded into the kayak. I intentionally try to balance it so that I am almost having to hold the kayak down so it isn’t putting any strain on my hands.

Finally, I’m not much on disassembling the cart when transporting it, but it doesn’t take much given that there are knobs that tighten the wheels into place. I am happy to say that this has been one of my favorite accessories that I have bought since kayak fishing.

Check out the video!